FAD Dubai welcomes another new batch of emerging talents, with an orientation week filled with industry interactions & meet & greets.

Commencing a new chapter with enthusiasm and passion, FAD welcomes the new batch of students at the Dubai Campus. On the outset of their journey at FAD, the global community of students were welcomed with an orientation program headed by Shivang Dhruva, Founder - FAD Dubai & Manoj Kumar, Head of Department for Luxury Brand Management & Fashion Business - FAD Dubai.

Further FAD held a panel talk in conversation with industry insiders John William Knight, General Manager - American Rag Cie, Khairunisa Suhail, Head Of Design - The Giving Movement & Panna Jethwa, Merchandising Manager - The Giving Movement, who thoroughly inspired the students as they embark their journey in the fashion & luxury industries.

Post the orientation week, the emerging talents branch into their respective courses of Fashion Design, Fashion Styling, Luxury Brand Management & Fashion Business. At FAD, students get to experience a diversified platform with unparalleled exposure, practical learning environment as well as engaging with industry insiders through internships, events , masterclasses and various other opportunities.